EAST as part of BRISMES Database of Expertise

We were very pleased when we got contacted by BRISMES with an enquiry if the EAST project could get listed in a database of collaborations between the UK and the Middle East within academia.


BRISMES stands for the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies. It got established in 1973 to encourage and promote the study of the Middle East in the UK. It does so by bringing together teachers, researchers, students, diplomats, journalists and others who are interested in the Middle East, organising conferences and events as well as publishing an international refereed British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.

As part of the collaboration with CASAW (Centre for the Advanced Study of the Arab World), St Andrews University and the British Academy, BRISMES are building an open source database of collaborative projects undertaken by universities in the UK and Middle East.

The database has two aims:

  1. To provide a comprehensive list of MENA experts (academics, journalists, policy makers and other professionals), along with their research and areas of expertise.
  2. To detail research links between UK academic institutions and those in the MENA region.

We’re really happy and proud that the EAST project has been added to the BRISMES database!

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